Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lessons Learend

I learned two important lessons today: Always check your bolts, and don't install new computer equipment when you are tired and thinking of going to bed.

My lovely wife is pregnant. This afternoon, my first child and I started putting a crib together for the baby to come. There were a number of bolts of assorted sizes. I was putting part of it together and asked Deanna to hand me the largest bolt, which she did. This went in a corner that took me forever to screw in. We had to take a break at this point and go shopping...

...for a new piece of computer equipment. (yeah!). We got the new toys home, got the overlery tired first kid to bed, and I sat back down at the crib. I stared looking at bolts and realized that two of them were two short. I started looking at instructions and realized the two I had put in (that were a colossal pain in my rear) right before we left were too long. It took an equal amount of time to remove them as to put them in. I finally got the correct ones in and was able to finish the crib. Then it was onto the computer equipment...

...which I apparently wasn't smart enough to install without messing something else up. I installed a router boster, only to have a laptop loose it's IP address. After working for a while, I called a budy of mine who walked me through a number of tricks (thanks Aaron). As I write this, my computer can get on the internet, but the booster my get boosted back to the store.

Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong, in the worst possible way, at the worst possible time.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Good Evening!

This is the first post for my new blog. I have been writing Political Friends for some time now. I will continue writing there, but have decided to branch out a little bit. This blog will be about anything. I may write about something my daughter does, I may dip a toe or two into politics, or I may talk about what I am watching on TV. I may only be able to get my family and friends to read this. But I thought I would see what happens.

So, feel free to write back, or comment here. There may be debate at times, but I don't really expect anything like the political site. Through any questions you have my way, and have fun!